What is safety ?

Electrical Safety Audit, for Industrial, Shreem Power Corporation | ID:  20718809812

The prevention and control of injuries and other consequences or harm caused by accident ;the respect of the values and the physical,material and psychological integrity of individuals; work.

what precation are necessary in electrical work

1.All electrical installation shall be as per indian electrical rules.

2.Only competent person should be handle the electrical equipments.

3.The equipment should be earthed properly.

4.All temporary electrical lines should be drawn at least above man heights.

5.Cable should be completely insulated.

6.Cable should not have any joints.

7.Only connection for one joints.

8.Good house keeping on the area.

9.Fire protection equipment to be kept nearby.

10.Use rubber gloves and rubber boots.

11.Use good quality of wire.

12.Power isolation close to the job.

13.Use three pin plug instead of loos wire.

14.never operate any electrical equipment with wet hands.

15.Never stand on wet surface while working electrical equipment.

16.During thunder storm do not stand under tree.

17.Proper sign board is necessary.

18.No person shall work on any live electrical conductors.

19.The switch shall only be put on by person who switched it off.

Video Class by Er. Sasmita Bagh

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