1. When introducing ourselves, we should use
    A) Only our first name
    B) Only our designation
    C) Only our last name
    D) Both first name and last name
  2. Who should you look at when answering

    A) Never look at any of the interviewers directly, that would be rude.
    B) Maintain eye contact with the person who asked the question.
    C) You should look at the interviewer(s) who did not ask the question.
    D) You should address your answer to all interviewers and engage all in eye contact.
    Ans- (B)
  3. Self-esteem is your…..
    A) Measure of how much you know yourself
    B) Concept of yourself in the context of your spiritual beliefs
    C) Evaluation of your own worth
    D) Feeling of regard for yourself and others
  4. An external factor of SWOTA) Strengths
    B) Weaknesses
    C) Opportunities
    D) Greatness
  5. What is the outcome of positive attitude?
    A) Enthusiasm
    B) Time saving
    C) Losing confidence
    D) Creates thinking ability

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