What is fire extinguishing ?
It is the method of controlling small fire by the help of fire extinguisher is called fire extinguishing .
What is fire extinguisher ?
A fire extinguisher, flame extinguisher or simply extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situation. It is not intended for use on and out off control fire. Many types of fire extinguishers are available with different extinguishing ‘agents’ to deal with different classes of fires.
Types of fire extinguishers
Generally following types of fire extinguishers are used to control the different types of fire
1.Water filled extinguisher
There are two methods of operation
- Gas cartridge type
- Stored pressure type
With both methods of operation the discharge can be interrupted as required, conserving the contact and preventing unnecessary water damage..
2 .Foam extinguishers
These may be of stored pressure or gas cartridge types. Always check the operating instructions on the extinguisher before use. Foam extinguishers are most suitable for:
- flammable liquid fires
- running liquid fires
3 .Dry powder extinguishers
Extinguishers fitted with dry powder may be of the gas cartridge or stored pressure type. Appearance and method of operation is the same as that of the water-filled one. The main distinguishing feature is the fork- shaped nozzle. Powders have been developed to deal with class D fires.
4 .Carbon dioxide extinguisher
This type is easily distinguished by the distinctively shaped discharge horn. Suitable for class B fires. Best suited where contamination by deposits must be avoided. Not generally effective in open air. Always check the operating instructions on the container before use, available with different gadgets of operation
5 .Halon extinguishers
Theses extinguishers may be filled with carbon tetrachloride and brom-ochloro difluoro methane (BCF). They may be of either gas cartridge or stored pressure type. They are more effective in extinguishing small fires involving pouring liquids. These extinguishers are particularly suitable and safe to use on electrical equipment as the chemicals are electrically non-conductive. The fumes given off by these extinguishers are dangerous, specially in confined space. General procedure to be adopted in the event of a fire to be adopted.
– Raise an alarm.
– Turn off all machinery and power (gas and electricity).
– Close the doors and windows, but do not lock or bolt them. This will limit the oxygen fed to the fire and prevent its spreading.
– Try to deal with the fire if you can do so safely. Do not take risk, getting in trapped.
– Anybody not involved in fighting the fire should leave\ calmly using the emergency exits and go to the designated assembly point. Failure to do this may mean that some person is unaccounted for and others may have to put themselves to the trouble of searching for him or her at risk to themselves. Working on fire extinguishers Objectives : At the end of this lesson you shall be able to
• state about the selection of the fire extinguishers accord
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