Those who are waiting for AITT CBT exam practice with the given link. The link contain a mock test with most probable questions and after successfully appear in the exam you will get the answer key too. So don’t try to avoid it. Koraput ITI is the only private ITI having its own CBT exam center and and only ITI to provide best result since 2015. Apart from all these things we try to improve the skills and provide training as per syllabus and also for the AITT CBT exam. We conduct real time exam to give a better exam interface to the students.
Click on the link and start your exam.
Otherwise click on the manual link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe09wyrh3SmmW1Vgz9uVVPZLUIAUgTMOHITIttO_dURBP47jg/viewform?usp=sf_link