Happy Republic Day

Republic Day commemorates the spirit of independent and individual India. It was on this day in 1930 when the Indian National Congress proclaimed Poorna Swaraj, the declaration of India’s independence from colonial rule. The day also commemorates Indian citizens’ power to choose their government democratically. The 26th of January every year is celebrated as the Republic Day- […]

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Lettering and numbering as per BIS SP: 46-2003

Apart from graphical elements (lines, arcs, circles etc.) technical drawings will also contain written information. These written informations are referred as “lettering”. Styles of lettering: Many styles of lettering are in use to day. However, a few styles which are commonly used are shown in given figure. Standard heights/Width: The standard heights recommended by BIS

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Symbolic Representation of Electrical and Electronic Elements

Conventions used for electrical and electronic elements The following symbols are most useful for all the trades of 1st year students. The symbols are common for all the trades and found important in AITT Exam. Carefully study the following tables and symbols given below.

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ENGINEERING DRAWING What is Plain Scale & Diagonal Scale ? Plain scale consists of a line divided into suitable number of equal units. The first unit is subdivided into smaller parts. The plain scales give only two dimensions, such as a unit and it’s subunit or it’s fraction. Diagonal scale is an engineering measuring instrument which